​​​Class of 1975 - 50 Year Reunion

The Class of ‘75, now 50 years on, is eagerly anticipating their reunion this year. 

We have a date!

Mark your calendars for our 50th Class Reunion

Friday, October 24th and Saturday, October 25th 


Cardinal Newman High School

To insure you receive all event details and updates

please add your email to our list

Don't forget to share this with classmates who won't want to miss out!

See you at the reunion!

At the heart of every successful reunion are Ursuline Alumnae dedicated to bringing classmates together to celebrate the special memories of high school and to commemorate the anniversary of their graduation. Reunions are organized by fellow classmates with the help of the Alumnae Relations from both Ursuline Alumnae Association and Cardinal Newman High School. If your class reunion year is coming up within 3 years it is time to start planning!

For assistance on planning your reunion, getting class lists or to update your personal contact information, please contact Chrystie (Wilkerson) Prokopakis at UrsulineAlumnaeSR@gmail.com.

For Cardinal Newman Alumni information, please contact Graham Rutherford at rutherford@cardinalnewman.org or call 707-546-6470 x108.

For Ursuline High School transcripts please email ursulinetranscripts@gmail.com

Class Reunions For 2025.